What Governments Can Learn from Canada when Regulating Online Harms

The Government of Canada introduced Bill C-63, the Online Harms Act, on 26 February 2024. As the name implies, the Bill seeks to address certain harms that people see online through various public platforms. The Internet Society was extremely concerned about this legislation, mainly because early discussions of what the Bill might do contained alarming ideas about what […]

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Nevada Wants to Reduce Online Protections for Children: All Internet Users Should Benefit from Strong Encryption

Today we joined an effort to stop the State of Nevada from making it easier for children’s personal information to be obtained by child predators, criminal gangs, foreign nations, and others. The State of Nevada seems to think that children deserve less protection online. Under a misguided view of seeking to “protect” children, the State […]

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Everything You Need to Know to Build a Community Network

Accessing the Internet isn’t just challenging in many rural, remote, and low-income urban areas—it’s a significant hurdle. The digital divide looms large, it has many causes, and it affects people from diverse backgrounds all over the world.   Some impacted are from Indigenous communities that have been neglected due to lack of business interest, like in […]

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Bridging the Unemployment Gap for Young Female Graduates

Aminata Hélène Dackouo hurried along Bamako’s hot, dusty streets one morning in May 2023, intent on reaching her destination in time. Her heart raced, and she had butterflies in her stomach—she was about to ask a very important question, and the answer would significantly impact her future. Just a week earlier, she’d seen a post […]

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The Decade That Changed The Democratic Republic of Congo’s Internet

A little over ten years ago, using the Internet in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) wasn’t easy. There was a lot less infrastructure, and even where it was present, the fees of intercontinental data traffic meant it was way more expensive than most people could afford. Only a fraction of its population was […]

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Keeping Kids Safe Online: Navigating the New Parents’ Guide to Encryption

To some, encryption might seem like the stuff of spy movies, but we all rely on it to keep us safe. You might be surprised to learn how often it touches your life. Chances are, you’re using it right now, and you could probably use it more often to better protect yourself online. And more […]

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Lessons from Past Sins and Corruption Can Bolster Future Network Security: NDSS Symposium 2024 

The Network and Distributed Systems Security (NDSS) Symposium returns to San Diego, USA, from 26 February to 1 March 2024.  An incubator of ideas, the NDSS Symposium has for 31 years brought together leading academics, industry researchers, students, and security practitioners to discuss top-tier, peer-reviewed research and exchange ideas.  Register before 31 January to take […]

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What Happens When the Internet Shuts Down?

In early May 2023, in the northeastern Indian state of Manipur, the foundational rhythm of life was disrupted by the outbreak of inter-community violence, followed swiftly by a government-mandated Internet shutdown. For seven long months, the residents of Manipur lost their ability to engage in regular activities such as web-based employment, online healthcare, and distance […]

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Advancing Digital Africa: Empowering Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) in Benin, Malawi, and Rwanda

In an age where connectivity is a cornerstone of progress and development, the need for quality Internet infrastructure cannot be overstated. In 2023, the Internet Society joined the Coalition for Digital Africa, an initiative launched by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) aimed at strengthening Internet infrastructure across the continent.                         The Internet […]

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