The Internet is Making Elections More Transparent 

With 64 countries and the European Union holding elections throughout 2024, the Internet will be a critical resource for many people around the world to access real-time poll updates in our own countries and those happening abroad.   Kenyans are among the millions of us who will be headed to the polls this year. Like many […]

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Montana’s TikTok Ban: Breaking the Internet and Undermining Online Privacy 

Asking TikTok, Google, and Apple to more intrusively track nearly every American with a cell phone, based on the possibility that a TikTok user might enter Montana, would be a significant invasion of privacy. And yet that is the likely outcome if Montana’s law SB 419 is allowed to take effect.  A law that claims […]

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NDSS Symposium Showcases the Importance of Securing Your Connected Life

It may be a cliché to say that the most interesting conversations you have at a conference are those between the sessions… but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s untrue. At NDSS Symposium 2024, I talked to one of the venue’s security guards, and the conversation definitely didn’t go where I expected. She mentioned she had […]

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The Internet and Climate Change

As we celebrate Earth Day 2024, the world seems to be on fire. Quite literally with some regions battling extreme wildfires, while other regions are drowning under massive flooding. Sea levels are rising, temperatures are climbing, and ice is melting. Amid all of this, it’s worth pausing and thinking about the Internet’s relationship with climate […]

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Final Results of the 2024 Internet Society Board of Trustees Elections and IETF Selections

The Internet Society Elections Committee is pleased to announce the final results of the 2024 elections and the IETF selections for the Board of Trustees. Voting concluded on 5 April. The results were announced, and the challenge period was opened on 8 April. The deadline to file challenges was 15 April at 15:00 UTC. No […]

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The US FCC Signals a Dangerous New Course on BGP Security

The US Federal Communications Commission recently released a draft Declaratory Ruling and Order in the Open Internet Proceeding. However, there is concerning language (paragraph 46) in this ruling that strongly implies the FCC’s intention to regulate border gateway protocol (BGP) routing security. While the FCC’s motives may be well-intentioned, regulating BGP routing security could have […]

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Protection for Intermediaries Is Vital for the Internet in Mexico

We often overlook the factors that enable the Internet to accommodate a wide range of applications, from real-time surgeries to viral memes, and individual expression. Some of those factors are technical and some are policy. A critical policy issue that has shaped the evolution of the Internet is the question: should websites and other online […]

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When “Free” Comes With Strings Attached

“Free streaming subscription with mobile plan!”“Data-free music streaming!””Use these top 3 social apps without using up your data!” These are just a few examples of the types of promotions you’ll see coming from telecommunications providers around the world to entice people into selecting their service. Users are keen to find the deal that best fits […]

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